Canadian Pharmacy Meds – All Medications List

Our mission is to supply high-quality medicines at reasonable pricing to our customers. We have produced a drug catalogue to assist you in finding the proper medication for you or your loved ones. This catalogue contains a list of common drugs, their names, and dosages. If you have any questions, please ask.

We exclusively sell generic drugs. Our skilled specialists have hand-picked the best pharmaceuticals from the most respected manufacturers in order to give you the best possible selection without sacrificing price or quality. This means that you can expect to discover only high-quality products in our catalogue, free of artificial additives and preservatives.

Our generic pharmaceuticals are interchangeable with brand-name medications, and our brand-name medications are interchangeable with their generic counterparts. Our drugs are all manufactured in a GMP-compliant facility to the highest standards. This ensures that you only receive the greatest medicine with no undesirable side effects.

Prescription Drugs

  • Prescription drugs are regulated by the FDA;
  • They are expensive;
  • Restricted dosage options;
  • Requires prescription.

Over-the-Counter Drugs

  • OTCs cannot be fully regulated by the FDA;
  • They are cheap;
  • Variety of dosage options;
  • Does not always require a prescription.

Over-the-counter medications are those that can be purchased without a prescription. These medications are available at most drugstores and certain supermarkets. They are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and cannot be sold in the United States.

A prescription drug is one that is prescribed by a doctor and requires a prescription. A prescription drug and an OTC generic drug, on the other hand, share the same active component in the base.

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